„The last time I saw my big family was New Year’s Eve. My family is scattered all over the world - Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Denmark and USA. Recently it’s been a challenge to get all of us together. So every time we have this chance - we do whatever it takes to hug each other.
In early January we were sitting together, discussing what future would bring for our countries. It hadn’t been easy already since 2014, but none of us would have ever believed what was going to happen in just a in few weeks. Life turned into a catastrophe - not only for our family but for millions of families in our countries.
Russian government is literally destroying both of my counties: Ukraine physically and Russia morally. Killing people in Ukraine with real guns and killing freedom in Russia with aggressive propaganda.
Things that mattered before February 24th are not important anymore. They have lost their value. Now life is full of new responsibilities, fears, levels of compassion and pain. And yes, I reached a new level of anger towards the government of my country - its complete loss of boundaries and growing tyranny.
I am Russian. And this is why I can’t do nothing. I feel like I need to volunteer, work, think, share, do more than before and help people. And I know so many Russians who do the same.
I am Russian. And now, like never before, it’s important for me to emphasize it. Scary, embarrassing yet important. Not all Russians support this war. And I want the world to know it.
We need to stop the war and aggression and do whatever it takes to never repeat it.
Peace to Ukraine.
Freedom to Russia.
Love to my family“.